Set The Mood Using The Right Lighting

To avoid killing the atmosphere before the party has taken off, it is recommended that you switch off your home’s overhead lights. In the same breath, avoid creating a very dark space because it might keep your guests from mingling. Considering the important nature of lighting to the success of your event, it might be worth it for you to create interesting effects by washing your walls with color using some smart moving light units. This way you can convert your home into an exciting theatre. 

Get Some Decorations

To convert the space you are using for the party into something spectacular and also express your event’s theme, it is essential that you add some fitting decorations to the lighting effects mentioned above. Unless you plan on going all out and splurging on the best, you should avoid the temptation to hire any props at all. Avoid getting cheap props as your guests won’t be impressed by the unconvincing appearance.  Spend your budget wisely! You will achieve a much better look with a good tiki bar set up than using a few cheap plastic props, if you decide to go with a Hawaiian theme for your event, for instance. You can also add more life to your event by asking your guests to wear something that goes with your chosen theme – ensuring that they contribute to the party atmosphere as well.  

Reorganize The Space

To open up the space you plan on hosting the party in, consider removing or reorganizing some of the furniture therein. Since you’d rather have your guests dancing instead of chatting around speakers and dancing areas, it is best to move chairs and sofas away from these areas.  

Get A Professional DJ

In addition to being able to adjust their music playlist to match the mood and response of your guests to specific songs, a good DJ will also know how to create a playlist that will get your guests in a party mood straight from the get go. You can rest assured that these professionals will put together a fun playlist without straying far from your general guidelines, with regard to your preferred type of music. 

Hire A Professional Photographer

A fun party also serves up a variety of great photo opportunities that you can capture to document the event for posterity. If you really want to capture the true essence of your party, you are better off getting someone who can work behind the scenes, unnoticed, capturing all these special moments as they happen, instead of having to ask people to pose every time you want to take a photo. We can even help you find the right photographer if you need some assistance!   

Use Bowl Food To Feed Your Guests

You may end up slowing or interrupting the flow of your party by serving a formal meal. And, once people start going through it, a buffet can quickly start getting messy. To feed standing guests in a tidy way, be sure to use bowl food. You can even go a step further and opt for the larger bowl food option if you are concerned about the size of the portions. 

Get Plenty Of Drinks

Rather than run out at the midway through the party, it is better to have some drinks left over. To keep everyone happy, be sure to stock up on a wide selection of drinks including soft drinks, spirits and mixers, fizz, beers, cocktails and wine.

Schedule Your Very Own Party

Put A Midnight Snack In Your Plans

Your guests are bound to start getting hungry as the night wears on. A midnight snack is not only a great way to keep them satisfied, but also helps soak up all the alcohol they have been consuming. Cheese on toast and small bacon sandwiches are great options to consider here. Serving snacks can also be used to signal the approaching conclusion to the event. To make things easier on your side, snacks will make guests feel tired; prompting them to go home.

Designate A Cloakroom

To ensure that your guests have somewhere to leave their bags and coats as they enjoy the party, it is recommended that you set aside a room to be used as a cloakroom.

Ready The Bathroom

Clean every inch of the bathroom. You should also stock it up with clean towels, toilet paper rolls and a mirror. To keep the space as fresh as possible, remember to put a spray air freshener in place as well as a reed diffuser.

Receive Your Guests

It is always a nice touch for the guests of a party to be received by the host. Since it is your party, it is best that you receive each one of your guests, and also spend some time together as well.

Notify Your Neighbors

Take the opportunity to notify your neighbors of the upcoming event as early as possible. You should also apologize for any noise that goes late into the night; and show your gratitude for their understanding with a wine or chocolate gift. If you are lucky enough, they may even choose not to be home during your party. 

Avoid Announcing Your Party On Social Media

If Project X is anything to go by, you should completely avoid announcing your parry on any social media platforms, including Facebook. You may end up attracting gatecrashers by promising to host a great party. Social media is best suited for discussing what a great time everyone had, after the party has passed!

Enjoy Yourself!

Most importantly you should have fun at your party. If you have an upcoming celebration, we can help you plan a great party; and with it, ensure that you have the best opportunity to have fun by handling every bit of the planning process on your behalf.