If you like this article then please like us on Facebook so that you can get our updates in future ……….and subscribe to our mailing list ” freely “ There is a dilemma that whether the Indian railways will be privatized or not…. Being world’s largest railway network in terms of area covered…. This issue always grabs the attention of every body who are a bit curious about government policies and contemporary changes. it was a “bogey” being raised by those who do not want any change….said Mr Suresh prabhu. He further said that the concept of privatization gives confusing signals and envisages the possibilities of ownership transfer of an enterprise to a different entity or management which was not possible in railways. As said by the honorable minister it is really difficult to transfer the railways to a completely private bodies. There are many practical difficulties involved in that. “We want change not for the change in ownership. We do not want change for somebody to run the precious assets of railways. We want to bring in private capital or technology to improve the functioning of railways so that railways become more valuable,” Prabhu told to media in an interview….His words clearly explain that even if the government go for privatization it’s not about transfer of ownership , it is about allowing private investment to some extent. This would definitely do good to Indian railways. As per the latest CAG report on Railways, the Indian Railways was unable to meet its operational cost of passenger and other coach services and there was a loss of Rs 23,643 crore in the same during the financial year 2011-12. He also said that “We do not have money so the one who can provide money, can be our partner. Therefore, getting private sector participation in railways for better technology or for money does not amount to privatisation.” While taking about bullet trains he said that “there are people who want bullet trains. There are people who have the ability to pay more and some have inability to pay but still they also want to travel. So, railways cannot afford to go for only one segment.We want to cater to high-end customers but not to ignore others. We want to earn money from them and not lose them.” Finally Honorable union minister of railways Suresh Prabhu a qualified chartered accountant has given clarity about privatization of Railways which could be a subject matter to many rail way employees till day.