AFMC MBBS Admission 2021
Candidates will be shortlisted based on NEET 2021 scores. It is compulsory to attend the NEET 2021 entrance exam to get admission to the AFMC College. The candidates’ marks in NEET 2021 will be summed up with the ToELR score, and then added scores will be divided by 4. The outcome scores will be the sum of written scores and interview marks. The shortlisted candidates will be called for the Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic and Reasoning (ToELR) and Interview, held at AFMC Pune. A separate call letter will be sent to the individual candidates.
AFMC MBBS Admission Schedule 2021
The AFMC MBBS admission 2021 selection Procedure will be conducted in September 2021. The final merit list will be released after the conduction of ToELR and Interview. The ToELR and the Interview will be shown in October 2021. After the declaration of the NEET 2021 result and cut-off, the selection committee will release its cut-off. The final merit list will be displayed on the website in October 2021. Candidates can check their roll number in the merit list from the website. Candidates need to enter their user ID and password to access the merit list.
AFMC MBBS 2021 Selection Criteria
The admission will be offered based on AFMC MBBS 2021 merit list. AFMC will prepare individual merit for girls and boys candidates. Candidates have to produce the original mark sheet and passing certificate of the qualifying examination at the time of admission. The AFMC final merit list will be released after the completion of the interview round. The final merit will be drawn based on NEET Scores + ToELR and Interview marks. The admissions will be offered to the candidates based on the NEET written test, ToELR and Interview rounds.
AFMC MBBS Admission Procedure 2021
The admissions will be given to only those candidates whose roll number will appear in the AFMC MBBS merit list. Candidates will be shortlisted only based on NEET entrance examination results. Candidates will be called for the Test of Logic and Reasoning (ToELR), English Language, Comprehension, and Interview held by AFMC. A final merit list will be prepared based on written ToELR + NEET + Interview scores.